Free Christmas Pattern

Crochet Mistletoe Ornament

●○○○ Skill Level 1 - beginner

4 surprising facts about mistletoes

Mistletoe is not only very decorative and a romantic must-have for Christmas, it is also a quite interesting plant! Here are 5 fun facts about mistletoe, plus the best reason why you need a crocheted mistletoe this Christmas season!

01. Mistletoe needs other tree to survive.
In fact mistletoe is a parasitic plant. It grows on branches of other trees and takes nutrients and water from host trees. Mistletoes prefer apple trees, hawthorne and poplar trees.

02. Mistletoe is poisonous.
The leaves and berries of the mistletoe contain a toxic substance called phoratoxin. It's poisoness is a very good reason to hang the mistletoe high, so that pets and children can't reach it. A safe option is a mistletoe from yarn which can be chewed without any danger.

03. The orgin of the name "mistletoe" is quite unromantic.
Birds eat mistletoe berries. A new mistletoe often grows where birds leave their droppings (with the seed in it). In Anglo-Saxon "mistel” means dung and the word "tan" means twi. So mistletan / mistletoe means somewhat like "dung on a twig”. Not very romantic, but obvious.

04. Harry Potter's first kiss happened underneath a mistletoe.
No, Harry Potters first kiss was not with a dementor. – It was with Cho Chang on the last day before Christmas leave in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". They kissed underneath a – yes, exactly: a mistletoe.

Let's make a pocket-size opportunity to steal a kiss from your crush!

It doesn't matter what yarn weight you use for this pattern. Made from sport weight yarn, the mistletoe turns out a size of 7 cm. The ornament in the photos was made from "Scheepjes - Catona" on a 2.25 mm crochet hook.

Abbreviations (US terms)

slst = slip stitch
ch = chain stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
tr = triple crochet


Using green, make a foundation chain of 23 ch.

Work into the back bumps on the back side of the chain, starting in the 4th back bump: tr 1, dc 2, hdc 2, sc 2, slst 1, ch 15.

Next, along the chain, starting in the 4th back bump: tr 1, dc 2, hdc 2, sc 2, slst 1, ch 11.

Along the chain, starting in the 4th back bump: tr 1, dc 2, hdc 2, sc 2, slst 1.

Slst 4 into the back bumps along the chain, ch 11.

Along the chain, starting in the 4th back bump: tr 1, dc 2, hdc 2, sc 2, slst 1.

Slst 12 into the back bumps along the chain.

Cut the yarn and tie the ends.


Using white, make a magic loop, ch 2, dc 11 into the loop. Cut the yarn and fasten the loop. Close the stitches through front loops and use the yarn tail to sew the berry onto the mistletoe.


© 2021 Lalylala Crochet . Lydia Tresselt All rights reserved. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

Selling of finished Items

The design and pattern are copyright and must not be reproduced for resale! You cannot sell finished items made from this pattern. For your personal use (non-profit) or for charity purposes you are permitted to make as many items from this pattern as you like.